We both like eating and we both like travelling. But where we differ is that Alex enjoys cooking our meals, while Johanna prefers planing our trips. As Johanna likes eating those meals as much as Alex likes travelling, we clearly have a win-win situation. And you can benefit from our suggestions for roadtrips and recipes.
All in all, we are probably a pretty normal multicultural couple, now also with two children. Influenced by our different backgrounds, we are eager to create new beautiful memories and traditions. And, of course, we love dancing in the kitchen.

As we both appreciate a challenge and discovering new things, we are totally counting on you: We hope that you will give us a lot of ideas for new roadtrips and region-themed meals.
So just tell us which region you are interested in and give us some indications. No matter whether you are planning a trip or a meal, we will do our very best to create your very own roadtrip or menu.
You can choose whether you wish to write to us in English, Catalan, French, German or Spanish. But we are no English native speakers, so please treat us and this blog with leniency.